

Medusa’s team is made up of professionals specialised in the defence of human rights. We have extensive experience in research, legal practice and field work, both nationally and internationally. This allows us to apply a unique comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to our services.

Paloma Torres López

Founding Partner

Paloma Torres lópez

Graduated in Law and Business Administration and Management with a Diploma in Communication Skills and Foreign Language Studies at Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid, Spain), where she also completed a Master’s Degree in Access to the Legal Practice (LLM), specialising in Public Law and Public Policy.

Subsequently, she was awarded a scholarship to study the inter-university master’s degree ‘European Master Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation’ (EMA) of the Global Campus of Human Rights, where she graduated cum laude. During her studies, she had the opportunity to study at the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (Venice, Italy) and at the Panteion University of Social and Political Science (Athens, Greece).

She has obtained the title of Expert in Combating Human Trafficking granted by the University of Alcalá (Alcalá de Henares, Spain) and has continued his training in other subjects by attending seminars and courses.

Paloma is a member of the Madrid Bar Association, and her work has been closely related to strategic human rights litigation. After training at Women’s Link Worldwide, she has participated in various high-impact litigation cases, developing experience before international and European human rights protection mechanisms. Among other examples, Paloma was one of the lawyers who designed the legal strategy that led to the first ever conviction by a UN Committee of a state for failing to meet its obligations to protect against obstetric violence.

At the national level, Paloma has worked as National Supervisor of the legal area of International Protection at Diaconía, coordinating the performance of the legal team and leading the defence of complex or strategic asylum cases. In addition, Paloma is a Legal Activist at the NGO Coordinadora de Barrios and at the Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía – APDHA (Andalusian Association for Human Rights – APDHA), where she provides legal assistance. She is also a member of the Asociación Libre de Abogadas y Abogados -ALA (Free Association of Lawyers – ALA).

Since 2017, Paloma has been working as a human rights consultant and has recently been selected to be part of the list of experts of the European Union Agency of Asylum (EUAA). In addition, she has developed projects for Save the Children or the Federación de Planificación Familiar Española – SEDRA (Spanish Family Planning Federation – SEDRA) and has given trainings to public administration officials such as the Asylum and Refugee Office (Ministry of Interior). She has also worked as an external consultant for the public affairs consultancy Estrategos or the Comillas Pontifical University. She has also worked as a consultant for specific projects conducted by organisations such as the UNHCR, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer – AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer – AECC), Aleas Infantiles SOS (SOS Children’s Villages) or the Red Solidaria Internacional Agustino Recoleta – ARCORES (Agustino Recoleta International Solidarity Network – ARCORES).

Since 2020, she has been an Associate Professor at the Law Faculty of Comillas Pontifical University, where she also participates in research projects, and is an advisor to student volunteers at the ICADE Law Clinic.

In addition, Paloma has conducted extensive field work both on the Spanish southern border, intervening in maritime arrivals with migrant children for Save the Children, and in Athens (Greece) in a self-managed project with refugee women outside the system. On the other hand, she has extensive experience in project management, both as head of the Save the Children office in Malaga and through her work for the Service for Solidarity Commitment and Development Cooperation of Comillas Pontifical University and the ICADE Legal Clinic. In addition, she gained experience in research and advocacy in the department of Awareness and Children’s Policies of Save the Children in Madrid.

Isabel Diez Velasco

Founding Partner

Isabel Diez Velasco

Graduated in Law and Political Science and Public Administration (E5) with a Diploma in International Relations and a Diploma in Communication Skills and Foreign Language Studies at Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid, Spain). At the same University, she completed a Master’s Degree in Access to the Legal Practice (LLM), specialising in Public Law and Public Policy.

She has obtained the title of Expert in Combating Human Trafficking granted by the University of Alcalá (Alcalá de Henares, Spain) and completed the tutored course “Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence” within the “European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals” (HELP II) organised by the Council of Europe (Madrid, Spain).

Isabel is a member of the Madrid Bar Association. At the international level, she has been trained in human rights advocacy through strategic litigation at Women’s Link Worldwide and Fundación Raíces (Raíces Foundation), collaborating in children’s and women’s rights proceedings. At the national level, she has worked as a lawyer for women victims of trafficking at Proyecto Espejo (Mirror Project) of Diaconia Red de Acción Social (Diaconia Network for Social Action) She has also worked in immigration and criminal proceedings with the lawyer Vilma Benel Calderón (Arenal 20 Law Firm) and with the lawyer Elena Rodilla Álvarez (ACTIO – Law Firm).

As a human rights consultant, her main lines of research have been migration, childhood, human trafficking and the concept of vulnerability. In this sense, she has participated in different research projects at the University Institute for Migration Studies (IUEM) such as Data Culture in Human Trafficking in coordination with UNICEF or Vulnerable groups in the asylum system in coordination with Fundación La Merced Migraciones (La Merced Migrations Foundation).

Isabel has also participated as research consultant at several projects on different topics for different clients: unaccompanied children for UNHCR, sexual and reproductive rights for the Federación de Planificación Familiar Española – SEDRA (Spanish Family Planning Federation – SEDRA), gender perspective in the national health system for the Coalición Nacional de Fibromialgia, Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica, Electrohipersensibilidad y Sensibilidad Química Múltiple – CONFESQ (National Coalition on Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Electrohypersensitivity, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity – CONFESQ), childhood and good treatment for Aldeas Infantiles SOS (SOS Children’s Villages) and the Red Solidaria Internacional Agustino Recoleta – ARCORES (Agustino Recoleta International Solidarity Network – ARCORES). Finally, she has provided training for the Asylum and Refuge Office (Ministry of the Interior).

Since 2020, she works as Associate Lecturer at the Law Faculty of Comillas Pontifical University teaching the subject Service & Learning. She is also an advisor to several groups of volunteer students at the ICADE Law Clinic.

Isabel has also gained extensive field work experience.She has collaborated in SERCADE’s legal advice and has been part of the European Solidarity Corps Programme (European Commission). Within this programme she worked for the Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana – ARCI (Rieti, Italy) in two action areas: the integration of unaccompanied young people and/or international protection applicants through the SIPROIMI reception system; and the design of awareness-raising campaigns on human rights issues. She has wide experience in project management thanks to her work at the ICADE Legal Clinic and the Service for Solidarity Commitment and Development Cooperation at Comillas Pontifical University.

She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España – APDHE (Spanish Human Rights Association).